
Star Mod B German VGC pistol Post War Mfg

Original price was: $925.00.Current price is: $775.00.

SKU: Stock 250 - SN 405072 Categories: ,


Star Mod B – post ww II police auto Spanish Purchase – 9mm mark LPM (landes Polize Nieder Sachsen) VGC

After John Moses Browning delivered his One True Design for handguns unto the world, a number of manufacturers decided to incorporate many of those same design elements in their own handguns. The Soviets adopted Fedor Tokarev’s slimmed down design and dubbed it the “TT”. It’s now one of the most widely available handgun designs ever produced (mainly because of the sheer numbers in which they were cranked out in manufacturing plants in the Soviet workers’ paradise).

The Spanish were also keen to copy the design, and in 1922 Star Bonifacio Echeverria, S.A. (one of the major Spanish arms makers) came out with their Model 1922 handgun. It incorporated most of the features of JMB’s masterpiece, but the Spanish design made it handle differently. Star would go through two more permutations before finally resting on the second generation Star Model B in 1931, which we see today and has recently become widely available on the market.

During the Second World War, Spain was officially neutral. Neutral in terms of actually firing bullets, but not making them. Spain provided material support to the Axis powers, specifically Nazi Germany. And one of their exports was case after case of Star Model B (second generation) handguns.

Being made in a neutral country, the German High Command didn’t see the need to have the typical Waffenmark stamped on the guns when they entered service and so these handguns are one of the only examples of a Nazi firearm that doesn’t bear that mark. They do, however, have a code N, Ñ or O stamped on them which denotes a manufacture between 1942 and 1944 and implies (along with some other things which we’ll get to shortly) that they were indeed used by Germany at some point.

While the Third Reich made their own handguns and in enough numbers to supply front-line troops, they still needed to arm their civilian police force and other rear echelon units. The Star Model B was a cheap import and used the same ammunition as the rest of the German handguns, so it fit right into the supply chain for those lower priority troops and civilians.

In other words, these handguns have the highest probability of any former Nazi firearm of never being fired at another human being.

Stock 250 – SN 405072

Additional information

Weight 2 kg


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